Company Registration in Sweden: A Comprehensive Guide for Foreign Entrepreneurs

Company Registration in Sweden

Company Registration in Sweden

Sweden has long remained an economic powerhouse thanks to thriving sectors fueled by an educated workforce and advanced infrastructure. Being a vital part of northern Europe, Sweden opens its doors to major markets, ensuring exciting growth opportunities for entrepreneurs globally. Sweden shines with its robust economy, trade-friendly policies, and supportive business environment. To be a part of this tempting economy as a businessman, one has to secure company registration in Sweden, which primarily requires adhering to underlying legalities. Let’s explore what are these and how you can set up a business with zero hassle.

Why Sweden is the Best Bet for Foreign Entrepreneurs?

Sweden’s business environment has been quite friendly thanks to supportive government policies. The country favors novelty, bright ideas, and potential business plans, offering zero restrictions for hassle-free growth, making it rank amongst the top nations offering a conducive business environment.

Sweden tops the chart concerning global indices for ease of doing business, economy, and innovation. Entrepreneurs globally can leverage this strategic business location for long-term growth.

Stable Economy

Sweden’s economy is best known for its robustness and zero corruption. The nation’s financial vitality allows entrepreneurs to thrive seamlessly without navigating the labyrinth of tedious bureaucratic procedures.

Skilled Workforce:

Sweden’s workforce is backed by a strong academic background and industry-specific skills, with a fair command of the English dialect. This allows foreign entrepreneurs to seamlessly adapt to local conditions, leading to a hassle-free business quest.

Supportive Government Policies:

The Swedish government proactively encourages overseas funding and entrepreneurship. The government has rolled out a wide range of grants and incentives to reinforce a conducive business environment.

Advanced Infrastructure:

Sweden leverages a world-class infrastructure, including digital connectivity, transport networks, and utilities, paving a strong foundation for modern businesses.

Quality of Life:

Sweden’s advanced infrastructure is well complemented by the quality of life it offers. With modern healthcare settings, strong academics, and thriving markets, the country presents viable opportunities for relocation and businesses.

Company Structures Available in Sweden

When striving for company registration in Sweden, it is paramount to be aware of available business structures. Each structure adheres to different legalities, taxes, and compliance requirements. Drill down your capabilities to withstand taxes and compliances before making a decision. Common structures avail

Sole Trader (Enskild Näringsidkare)

This is the easiest form of structure, and it is easy to legalize and operate. The downsides of this structure include unlimited liability for the owner, less stability, and zero transparency.

Limited Company (Aktiebolag):

A limited company adheres to a distinct legal identity, preventing owners from putting their assets at stake during financial mishaps. In short, it ensures controlled liability for founders.

Trading Partnership (Handelsbolag):

In a trading partnership, two or more partners join forces to achieve a common business goal. All partners are obliged to cater to unlimited liabilities imposed on them.

Limited Partnership (Kommanditbolag):

A limited partnership offers a blend of a general and limited partnership. This structure comprises at least one general partner and one or more limited partners, each adhering to a distinct liability threshold.

Economic Association (Ekonomisk Förening):

This is a cooperative entity owned by its members who partake in its economic endeavors. It is ideally suited to businesses seeking cooperative acitvities, such as housing or consumer cooperatives.

Eligibility for Securing Company Registration in Sweden

The eligibility criteria for company registration in Sweden differ depending on whether or not you belong to the EU/EEA.

  • EU/EEA Citizens: As an EU/EEA citizen, you have access to all the rights akin to indigenous entrepreneurs. You are not required to follow additional visa or permit requirements.
  • Non-EU/EEA Citizens: If you are a non-EU/EEA citizen, you must secure a residence work approval with a validity over three months- a bare minimum timeline for setting up a business. Secure this approval from the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket) before you land in Sweden.

Required Documents for Company Registration in Sweden

To successfully register a company in Sweden, you will need a range of legal documents, reinforcing the founder’s and business’s identity. These include:

Proof of IdentityA valid passport or national ID card.
Residence Permit (Non-EU/EEA Citizens)A valid residence permit issued by the Swedish Migration Agency.
Coordination NumberA unique identifier issued by the Swedish Tax Agency for individuals not listed in the Swedish Population Register.
Company Name RegistrationRequired if registering a sole proprietorship or other business entity with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket).
Articles of AssociationNecessary for limited companies, detailing the company’s purpose, share capital, and other relevant information.
Shareholder AgreementIf applicable, a shareholder agreement must be submitted for limited companies.
Bank AccountEvidence of a Swedish bank account where the company’s share capital will be deposited.

Process of Company Registration in Sweden

The process of company registration in Sweden involves several steps:

Decide on the Business Type:

The first step in company registration in Sweden is to decide on the type of business structure that best suits your needs. This decision will determine the level of liability, tax obligations, and the registration process.

Register the Company:

Depending on what structure you have chosen, you need to register your business with competent authority viz. Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket). Structures like limited companies, trading partnerships, limited partnerships, and economic associations seek approval from the said authority. Meanwhile, the sole trading company can stay unregistered.

Apply for F-Tax Approval:

All taxable businesses must secure F-Tax and VAT approval from the Swedish Tax Agency. You can use the said authority’s portal for the approval purposes.

Obtain a Coordination Number:

Coordination number helps dealing with a range of legalities, including tax filing and reinforcing identification. Swedish Tax Agency grants the coordination number against the prescribed application. It is mandatory for all individuals, including overseas entrepreneurs.

Open a Business Bank Account:

Opening a bank account in Sweden is paramount for businesses registered as limited companies.


Sweden is a fine destination for pursuing a wide range of business activities. It is evident that setting up a business here requires adhering to various requirements, including opening a bank account, registering with tax authorities, securing company registration in Sweden, etc. Following these requirements can be taxing, especially for new entrepreneurs.

That’s where Adviso comes in. Being a seasoned and renowned agency, Adviso fosters a strong portfolio of services that ease international endeavors, be it setting up a new business or securing necessary approval. Our robust network of professionals ensures a seamless quest for businesses seeking to make a mark abroad.

Read Our Article: Company Registration in Norway: A Guide for Foreign Entrepreneurs 


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